Solid Consistency [CEA]

We argue that $isotropic$ scalar fluctuations in solid inflation are adiabatic in the super-horizon limit. During the solid phase this adiabatic mode has peculiar features: constant energy-density slices and comoving slices do not coincide, and their curvatures, parameterized respectively by $\zeta$ and $\mathcal R$, both evolve in time. The existence of this adiabatic mode implies that Maldacena’s squeezed limit consistency relation holds after angular average over the long mode. The correlation functions of a long-wavelength spherical scalar mode with several short scalar or tensor modes is fixed by the scaling behavior of the correlators of short modes, independently of the solid inflation action or dynamics of reheating.

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L. Bordin, P. Creminelli, M. Mirbabayi, et. al.
Tue, 17 Jan 17

Comments: 10 pages