Generation of toroidal magnetic fields in accretion disks [HEAP]

Magnetic fields play an important role in the dynamics of accretion disks, however, the origin of the fields is often obscured. Here we show that magnetic fields can be generated in an initially non-magnetized accretion disks through the Biermann battery mechanism, where the radial temperature profile and the vertical density profile of these systems provide the necessarily conditions for this process to operate naturally. We consider the generation of fields in a protoplanetary disks and disks around Black Holes (BHs). For protoplanetary accretion disks we find that the generated magnetic fields can be as strong as few Gauss over the lifetime of the disk (5~Myr), for a solar mass star, and weakly dependent on the accretion rate. The generated seeds have toroidal structure with opposite sign in the upper and lower half of the disk. The same pattern exists in a thin accretion disk around a rotating BH, where the field generation rate increases for larger BH’s spin parameters in a co-rotating disk and spin configuration. At a fixed $r/r_{\rm isco}$, where r is the radial distance from the BH, the battery scales as $M^{-2}$ for both thin accretion disks and Advection Dominated Accretion Flows (ADAF). For ADAFs after one characteristic accretion time the battery can generate a field in the galactic center at the order of $5\times 10^{-6}$~G. In addition, we test this mechanism in GRMHD simulations and find it to be in a good agreement with our analytical estimates. The fact that the battery works in the limit of zero accretion rate, it makes this mechanism a viable candidate to provide the seed fields from an initially non-magnetized accretion disk such that later on Magneto Rotational Instability (MRI) takes over.

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M. Safarzadeh, S. Naoz, A. Sadowski, et. al.
Tue, 17 Jan 17

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS letters