Self similarity of the dark matter dominated objects and the shape of small scale power spectrum [CEA]

We analyzed available observational data of a sample of dark matter (DM) dominated galaxies and clusters of galaxies and we have found correlations between the virial mass, $M_{vir}$, of halos and basic parameters of their cores, namely, the mean DM density, pressure and entropy. These correlations are a natural consequence of similar evolution of all such objects. It is driven mainly by gravitational interactions what implies a high degree of self similarity of both the process of halos formation and their internal structure.
We confirmed the CDM–like shape of both the small and large scale power spectrum. However, our reconstruction of the evolutionary history of observed objects requires either a multicomponent composition of DM or a more complex primordial power spectrum of density perturbations with significant excess of power at scales of clusters of galaxies and larger. We demonstrated that a model with suitable combination of the heavy DM particles (CDM) and DM particles with large damping scale (HDM) could provide a successful description of the observational data in a wide range of masses.

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M. Demianski and A. Doroshkevich
Mon, 16 Jan 17

Comments: 13 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1511.07989