Hyperon threshold and stellar radii [CL]


In this work we show how the emergence of a new degree of freedom in the nuclear bulk not only softens the EoS but reduces the radii of stars with high central density. If an enough repulsive channel, as the strange vector $\phi$ meson, is added to the scheme, we are able to simulate very massive and compact stars. Indeed we are able to construct an equation of state (EoS) that predicts a 2.05 $M_\odot$ as maximum mass and a radius of 11.51 km for the canonical 1.4$M_\odot$ in a thermodynamical consistent way. We also link the radii of the canonical stars to a soft EoS for densities not much above the nuclear saturation point. Moreover, comparing our EoS with results obtained from heavy ion collisions, we show that the presence of a new degree of freedom allows a better agreement between theory and experiment.

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L. Lopes and D. Menezes
Fri, 13 Jan 17

Comments: 10 pages, 14 figures