2MASS~0213+3648~C: A wide T3 benchmark companion to an an active, old M dwarf binary [SSA]


We present the discovery of a 360 AU separation T3 companion to the tight (3.1 AU) M4.5+M6.5 binary 2MASS J02132062+3648506. This companion was identified using Pan-STARRS1 data and, despite its relative proximity to the Sun (22.2$_{-4.0}^{+6.4}$ pc; Pan-STARRS1 parallax) and brightness ($J$=15.3), appears to have been missed by previous studies due to its position near a diffraction spike in 2MASS. The close M~dwarf binary has active X-ray and H$\alpha$ emission and shows evidence for UV flares. The binary’s weak {\it GALEX} UV emission and strong Na\,I 8200\,\AA\,Na absorption leads us to an age range of $\sim$1-10\,Gyr. Applying this age range to evolutionary models implies the wide companion has a mass of 0.063$\pm$0.009\,$M_{\odot}$. 2MASS J0213+3648 C provides a relatively old benchmark close to the L/T transition and acts as a key, older comparison to the much younger early-T companions HN~Peg~B and GU~Psc~b.

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N. Deacon, E. Magnier, M. Liu, et. al.
Fri, 13 Jan 17

Comments: 29 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS