Measuring galaxy environment with the synergy of future photometric and spectroscopic surveys [GA]

[Abridged] We exploit the synergy between low-resolution spectroscopy and photometric redshifts to study environmental effects on galaxy evolution in slitless spectroscopic surveys from space. As a test case, we consider the future Euclid Deep survey (~40deg$^2$), which combines a slitless spectroscopic survey limited at H$\alpha$ flux $\leq5\times 10^{-17}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and a photometric survey limited in H-band ($H\leq26$). To test the power of the method, we use Euclid-like galaxy mock catalogues, in which we anchor the photometric redshifts to the 3D galaxy distribution of the available spectroscopic redshifts. We then estimate the local density contrast by counting objects in cylindrical cells with radius ranging from 1 to 10 h$^{-1}$Mpc over the redshift range 0.9<z<1.8. We compare this density field with the one computed in a mock catalogue with the same depth as the Euclid Deep survey (H=26) but without redshift measurement errors. We find that our method is successful in separating high from low density environments with an efficiency that increases at low redshift and large cells. The fraction of low density regions mistaken by high density peaks is below 1% for all scales and redshift explored, but for scales of 1 h$^{-1}$Mpc for which is a few percent. When small (1 h$^{-1}$Mpc) cells are used, our technique is successful, at z~1.5, at spotting the regions where the most massive galaxy clusters reside. These results show that we can efficiently study environment in photometric samples if spectroscopic information is available for a smaller sample of objects that sparsely samples the same volume. We demonstrate that these studies will be possible in the Euclid Deep survey, i.e. in a redshift range in which environmental effects are different from those observed in the local universe, hence providing new constraints for galaxy evolution models.

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O. Cucciati, F. Marulli, A. Cimatti, et. al.
Wed, 20 Apr 16

Comments: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS