Effect of multiplicity of stellar encounters and the diffusion coefficients in the uniform stellar medium: no classical divergence ? [GA]


Agekyan lambda-factor that accounts for the effect of multiple distant encounters with large impact factors is used for the first time to compute the diffusion coefficients in the velocity space of a stellar system. It is shown that in this case the cumulative effect – the total contribution of distant encounters to the change in the velocity of the test star – is finite, and the logarithmic divergence inherent to the classical description disappears. At the same time, the formulas for the diffusion coefficients, as before, contain the logarithm of the ratio of two independent scale factors that fully characterize the state of the stellar system: the average interparticle distance and the impact parameter of a close encounter. However, the physical meaning of this factor is no longer associated with the classical logarithmic divergence.

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A. Rastorguev, O. Chumak and N. Utkin
Wed, 30 Mar 16

Comments: 11 pages, 4 figures