Strong gravitational wave background from Population III binary black holes consistent with cosmic reionization [GA]

The recent discovery of the gravitational wave source GW150914 has revealed a coalescing binary black hole (BBH) with masses of $\sim 30~\odot$. A possible origin of such a massive binary is Population III (PopIII) stars. PopIII stars are efficient producers of BBHs and of a gravitational wave background (GWB) in the $10-100$ Hz band, and also of ionizing radiation in the early Universe. We show that PopIII stars that are consistent with the recent Planck measurement of a low electron scattering optical depth $\tau_{\rm e}=0.066\pm0.016$ could still produce a GWB dominating other binary populations. Moreover, the spectral index of the background from PopIII BBHs becomes flatter at $f\gtrsim 20$ Hz than the value ${\rm d}\ln \Omega_{\rm gw}/{\rm d}\ln f\approx 2/3$ generically produced by lower-redshift and less-massive BBHs. A detection of this unique flattening by the future O5 LIGO/Virgo would be a smoking gun of a high-chirp mass, high-redshift BBH population, as expected from PopIII stars. It would also constrain the PopIII initial mass function and star formation rate and the cosmic reionization history.

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K. Inayoshi, K. Kashiyama, E. Visbal, et. al.
Wed, 23 Mar 16

Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letters