Vertical Convection in Turbulent Accretion Disks and Light Curves of the A0620-00 1975 Outburst [HEAP]

We present a model of the non-stationary $\alpha$-disk with account for the irradiation and the vertical convection in the outer accretion disk where hydrogen is partially ionized. We include the viscous energy generation in the mix-length convection equations in accretion disks. The optical and X-ray light curves of X-ray nova A0620-00 are investigated in terms of this model. The turbulent viscosity parameter of the accretion disk is estimated, $\alpha = 0.5 \div 0.6$, which is necessary to explain the luminosity decay rate on the descending branch of the X-ray light curve for the A0620-00 1975 outburst. The secondary luminosity maximum on the light curves is explained by assuming an additional injection of matter into the accretion disk from the optical companion.

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K. Malanchev and N. Shakura
Tue, 10 Nov 15

Comments: 23 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy Letters