The Low-Mass Astrometric Binary LSR1610-0040 [SSA]

Even though it was discovered more than a decade ago, LSR1610-0040 remains an enigma. This object has a peculiar spectrum that exhibits some features typically found in L subdwarfs, and others common in the spectra of more massive M dwarf stars. It is also a binary system with a known astrometric orbital solution. Given the available data, it remains a challenge to reconcile the observed properties of the combined light of LSR1610-0040AB with current theoretical models of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. We present the results of a joint fit to both astrometric and radial velocity measurements of this unresolved, low-mass binary. We find that the photocentric orbit has a period $P = 633.0 \pm 1.7$ days, somewhat longer than previous results, with eccentricity of $e = 0.42 \pm 0.03$, and we estimate that the semi-major axis of the orbit of the primary is $a_1 \approx 0.32$ AU, consistent with previous results. While a complete characterization of the system is limited by our small number of radial velocity measurements, we establish a likely primary mass range of $0.09 – 0.10 M_\odot$ from photometric and color-magnitude data. For a primary mass in this range, the secondary is constrained to be $0.06 – 0.075 M_\odot$, making a negligible contribution to the total I-band luminosity. This effectively rules out the possibility of the secondary being a compact object such as an old, low-mass white dwarf. Based on our analysis, we predict a likely angular separation at apoapsis comparable to the resolution limits of current high-resolution imaging systems. Measuring the angular separation of the A & B components would finally enable a full, unambiguous solution for the masses of the components of this system.

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S. Koren, C. Blake, C. Dahn, et. al.
Tue, 10 Nov 15

Comments: 31 Pages, 13 Figures, 6 Tables, Accepted to The Astronomical Journal