New Meteorological and Geological Study of Taviano (LE) [IMA]

This paper contains the result of the elaboration of informations about Solar Irradiation, Geological, Meteorological and Climatic from the point of view of the quantitative data and social interaction recorded in Taviano (LE) over 24 years. These data are compared to check local variations, long term trends, and correlation with mean annual temperature. The ultimate goal of this work is to understand long term climatic changes in this geographic area. The classes of event considerated are hydrogeological phenomena, sun irradiation, seismic, volcanic, meteorological and climatological event. Only event occurred between 1990 and 2014 are considerated. The analysis is performed using a statistical approach. A particular care is used to minimize any effect due to prejudices in case of lack of data. Finally, we calculate the annual average from the monthly ones. Data on this paper don’t come from a complete census of phenomena; they are considered enough representative of the accepted vulnerability level at the beginning of this study.

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D. Tasselli, S. Ricci and P. Bianchi
Tue, 14 Jul 15

Comments: 21 pages, 5 table, 19 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1506.04397