Time and Space Dependent Stochastic Acceleration Model for the Fermi Bubbles [HEAP]


Fermi-LAT reveals two huge gamma-ray bubbles existing in the Galactic Center, called ‘Fermi Bubbles’. The existence of two microwave bubbles at the same region are also reported by the observation by WMAP, dubbed ‘WMAP haze’. In order to explain these components, It has been argued that the gamma-rays arise from Inverse-Compton scattering of relativistic electrons accelerated by plasma turbulence, and the microwaves are radiated by synchrotron radiation. But no previous research reproduces both the Fermi Bubbles and WMAP haze under typical magnetic fields in the galaxy. We assume that shocks present in the bubbles and the efficiency of the acceleration by plasma turbulence, ‘stochastic acceleration’, changes with the distance from the shock front. The distance from the shock front increases with time, accordingly the efficiency of the acceleration changes with time. We also consider the time development of the electrons escape from the turbulence by diffusive loss. Our model succeed to reproduce both the observed characteristics of the Fermi Bubbles and WMAP haze under typical magnetic fields.

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K. Sasaki, K. Asano and T. Terasawa
Wed, 11 Feb 15

Comments: 2014 Fermi Symposium proceedings – eConf C14102.1