Gravitational microlensing of neutron stars and radio pulsars: event rates, time-scale distributions and mass measurements [GA]

We investigate properties of Galactic microlensing events in which a stellar object is lensed by a neutron star. For an all-sky photometric microlensing survey, we determine the number of lensing events caused by $\sim10^{5}$ potentially-observable radio pulsars to be $\sim0.2\ \rm{yr^{-1}}$ for $10^{10}$ background stellar sources. We expect a few detectable events per year for the same number of background sources from an astrometric microlensing survey. We show that such a study could lead to precise measurements of radio pulsar masses. For instance, if a pulsar distance could be constrained through radio observations, then its mass would be determined with a precision of $\sim10\%$. We also investigate the time-scale distributions for neutron star events, finding that they are much shorter than had been previously thought. For photometric events towards the Galactic centre that last $\sim15$ days, around $7\%$ will have a neutron star lens. This fraction drops rapidly for longer time-scales. Away from the bulge region we find that neutron stars will contribute $\sim40\%$ of the events that last less than $\sim10$ days. These results are in contrast to earlier work which found that the maximum fraction of neutron star events would occur on time-scales of hundreds of days.

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S. Dai, M. Smith, M. Lin, et. al.
Wed, 11 Feb 15

Comments: 10 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ