Cosmology in ghost-free bigravity theory with twin matter fluids: The origin of "dark matter" [CL]

We study dynamics of Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime based on the ghost-free bigravity theory. Assuming the coupling parameters guaranteeing the existence of de Sitter space as well as Minkowski spacetime, we find two stable attractors for spacetime with “twin” dust matter fields: One is de Sitter accelerating universe and the other is matter dominated universe. Although a considerable number of initial data leads to de Sitter universe, we also find matter dominated universe or spacetime with a future singularity for some initial data. The cosmic no-hair conjecture does not exactly hold, but the accelerating expansion can be found naturally. The $\Lambda$-CDM model is obtained as an attractor. We also show that the dark matter component in the Friedmann equation, which originates from another twin matter, can be about 5 times larger than the baryonic matter, by choosing the appropriate coupling constants.

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