The Model of Magnetic-Field Generation with Screw Dynamo [SSA]

This paper considers a possibility of magnetic-field generation by local turbulent flows at the bottom of convective zone. The cycle of magnetic-field generation in this model can be represented in the form of sequency of processes. There are vortexes with azimuth axis, similar with Taylor vortex, close to the bottom of convection zone. This leads to the generation of twisted flux tubes because of screw dynamo. The growth of magnetic field causes emersion of U- loops. During the process of emersion and extraction azimuthal field of flux tubes converts to axial field, and reaches the surface as bipolar of sunspots with U-shaped configuration. Due to differential rotation residual bipolar fields stretch out to the surface toroidal field and are shifted to the bottom of the convective zone by means of meridional flow at high latitudes. The direction of the toroidal field within the generation zone reverses its sign, and the cycle is repeated.

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Date added: Fri, 18 Oct 13