[CL] MOND and its bimetric formulation


I first give a succinct account of the MOND paradigm–emphasizing the centrality of scale invariance in the nonrelativistic, deep-MOND limit–and describing rudiments of its phenomenology. I then present my credo, and some generalities, concerning existing MOND theories. Then I concentrate on one relativistic formulation of MOND in the form of a bimetric theory (BIMOND). I describe its various limits: the weak field, with application to gravitational waves, the nonrelativistic limit, and their further deep-MOND (low acceleration) limits, which are scale invariant. Other aspects of BIMOND that have been explored are aspects of cosmology, matter fluctuations in cosmology, and matter-twin-matter interactions. BIMOND remains largely unexplored, despite its promise in several regards: It tends to GR for a0 goes to 0 (a0 is the MOND constant); it has a simple nonrelativistic limit; it describes gravitational lensing correctly; and, it has a generic appearance of a cosmological-constant term that is of order a0^2/c^4, as observed.

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Date added: Tue, 15 Oct 13