The MAGIC telescopes DAQ software and the on-the-fly online analysis client

In this contribution we describe the design of the Data AcQuisition (DAQ) and online analysis software of the MAGIC telescopes after the 2012 upgrade. Although the final stereo trigger requires coincidence between the two telescopes, the actual data acquisition is performed independently, producing two separate data streams. Events are first readout and built from the front-end electronics and then stored in the DAQs’ internal ring buffer for further processing: pre-calibration and signal extraction. The pixel signals, previously used only for data quality monitoring, are now also sent “on-the-fly” to the centralized online analysis program MOLA, which acts as a single client for the two DAQ data streams, and uses this information to provide preliminary high level analysis results. The integrated DAQ and online analysis programs allows an immediate feedback in case of a rapid gamma-ray flare of the pointed astrophysical source.

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Date added: Tue, 8 Oct 13