Quantum chaos of dark matter in the Solar System [CL]


We perform time-dependent analysis of quantum dynamics of dark matter particles in the Solar System. It is shown that this problem has similarities with a microwave ionization of Rydberg atoms studied previously experimentally and analytically. On this basis it is shown that the quantum effects for chaotic dark matter dynamics become significant for dark matter mass ratio to electron mass being smaller than $2 \times 10^{-15}$. Below this border multiphoton diffusion over Rydberg states of dark matter atom becomes exponentially localized in analogy with the Anderson localization in disordered solids. The life time of dark matter in the Solar System is determined in dependence on mass ratio in the localized phase and a few photon ionization regime. Various implications of these quantum results are discussed for the capture of dark matter from Galaxy and its steady-state density distribution.

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D. Shepelyansky
Thu, 23 Nov 17

Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures