Exoplanet Atmosphere Retrieval using Multifractal Analysis of Reflectance Spectra [EPA]


We extend a data-based model-free multifractal method of exoplanet detection to probe exoplanetary atmospheres. Whereas the transmission spectrum is studied during the primary eclipse, we analyze what we call the reflectance spectrum, which is taken during the secondary eclipse phase, allowing a probe of the atmospheric limb. In addition to the spectral structure of exoplanet atmospheres, the approach provides information on phenomena such as hydrodynamical flows, tidal-locking behavior, and the dayside-nightside redistribution of energy. The approach is demonstrated using Spitzer data for exoplanet HD189733b. The central advantage of the method is the lack of model assumptions in the detection and observational schemes.

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S. Agarwal and J. Wettlaufer
Mon, 30 Oct 17

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