Bubble nucleation and inflationary perturbations [CL]


In this work we study the imprints of bubble nucleation on primordial inflationary perturbations. We assume that the bubble is formed via the tunneling of a spectator field from the false vacuum of its potential to its true vacuum. We consider the configuration in which the observable CMB sphere is initially outside of the bubble. As the bubble expands, more and more regions of the exterior false vacuum, including our CMB sphere, fall into the interior of the bubble. The modes which leave the horizon during inflation at the time when the bubble wall collides with the observable CMB sphere are affected the most. The bubble wall induces non-trivial anisotropic and scale dependent corrections in the two point function of the curvature perturbation. The corrections in the curvature perturbation and the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of CMB power spectrum are estimated.

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H. Firouzjahi, S. Jazayeri, A. Karami, et. al.
Wed, 26 Jul 17

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