Strong-field gravitational-wave emission in Schwarzschild and Kerr geometries: some general considerations [CL]

We show how the concurrent implementation of the exact solutions of the Einstein equations, of the equations of motion of the test particles, and of the relativistic estimate of the emission of gravitational waves from test particles, can establish a priori constraints on the possible phenomena occurring in Nature. Two examples of test particles starting at infinite distance or from finite distance in a circular orbit around a Kerr black hole are considered: the first leads to a well defined gravitational wave burst the second to a smooth merging into the black hole. We notice a difference between our treatment and the one by Ori and Thorne (2000) which will affect the gravitational wave signal. This analysis is necessary for the study of the waveforms in merging binary systems.

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J. Rodriguez, J. Rueda and R. Ruffini
Wed, 21 Jun 17

Comments: Submitted on 20/06/2017