Relativistic Static Thin Disks of Polarized Matter [CL]

An infinite family of exact solutions of the electrovacuum Einstein-Maxwell equations is presented. The family is static, axially symmetric and describe thin disks composed by electrically polarized material in a conformastatic spacetime. The form of the conformastatic metric allows us to write down the metric functions and the electromagnetic potentials in terms of a solution of the Laplace equation. We find a general expression for the surface energy density of the disk, the pressure, the polarization vector, the electromagnetic fields and the velocity rotation for circular orbits. As an example, we present the first model of the family and show the behavior of the different physical variables.

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A. Navarro, F. Lora-Clavijo and G. Gonzalez
Mon, 24 Apr 17

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures, 70 and 70 Gravitation Fest, 28 September 2016, Cartagena, Colombia