A Modified Version of Taylor's Hypothesis for Solar Probe Plus Observations [CL]


The Solar Probe Plus (SPP) spacecraft will explore the near-Sun environment, reaching heliocentric distances as small as~$9.5 R_{\odot}$. Near Earth, spacecraft measurements of fluctuating velocities and magnetic fields taken in the time domain are translated into information about the spatial structure of the solar wind via Taylor’s “frozen turbulence” hypothesis. Near the perihelion of SPP, however, the solar-wind speed is comparable to the Alfv\’en speed, and Taylor’s hypothesis in its usual form does not apply. In this paper, we show that a modified version of Taylor’s hypothesis can be recovered in the near-Sun region. In particular, we show that transverse, non-compressive fluctuations propagating away from the Sun in the plasma frame obey a relation analogous to Taylor’s hypothesis when $V_{\rm sc,\perp} \gg |\bm{z}^-|$ and $|\bm{z}^+| \gg |\bm{z}^-|$, where $V_{\rm sc,\perp}$ is the component of the spacecraft velocity perpendicular to the mean magnetic field and $\bm{z}^+$ ($\bm{z}^-$) is the Els\”asser variable corresponding to transverse, non-compressive fluctuations propagating away from (towards) the Sun in the plasma frame. Observations and simulations indicate that $\bm{z}^+$ fluctuations account for most of the fluctuation energy in the near-Sun solar wind. This modified form of Taylor’s hypothesis will thus make it possible to characterize the spatial structure of the energetically dominant component of the turbulence encountered by~SPP.

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K. Klein, J. Perez, D. Verscharen, et. al.
Fri, 12 Dec 14

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ Letter